Zeroptian Invasion: uno sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Poco fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay su Zeroptian Invasion, titolo disponibile nelle prossime ore sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Lo shoot em up arcade di Josyan sarà pubblicata da Ratalaika Games il 26 aprile 2019 sull’eShop europeo ed americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

Game Description

Repelling the Zeroptian Invasion with one UFO at a time

Taking inspiration from old score arcade shooters from the past and adding in some modern touches and stunning pixel art, Zeroptian Invasion is this decade’s answer to the arcade shooters of yesteryear.

From its increasingly difficultly gameplay to its chiptune soundtrack, this is one blast from the past that shooter aficionados are going to want to check out, since the Zeroptian menace is not going to shoot themselves any time soon.


– CRT filter.
– Challenging and classic gameplay.
– Aesthetics pixel art in 1-bit with colors.
– Levels totally unique and different from each other.
– An incredible variety of enemies and memorable bosses.
– OST on chiptune with unique songs dedicated to each area.

Developer Info

This game has been developed by Josyan.
We are only responsible for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PS Vita and Xbox One ports & publishing.

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